Learning at Extera » Nurturing Positive Culture & Climate

Nurturing Positive Culture & Climate





We recognize the critical role that positive relationships and emotional connections play in a student’s academic success, and this is achieved through social-emotional learning (SEL) led by our counselors and classroom teachers.  Our model for SEL includes content that is integrated into instruction in order to understand the interconnectedness of SEL and academic success. Resources provided to teachers to integrate SEL into their classroom come from community partnerships that currently will be updated frequently to reflect the most recent research in SEL effectiveness. The adopted SEL curriculum for Extera is Stanford Harmony. Supplemental Resources may include: Calm Classroom, and Rock My Campus.

SEL is provided During daily* Morning Meetings (K-5) and Homeroom Periods (6-8), teachers are expected to use the curriculum to foster social connections among all students, and to support the social, emotional, and cognitive skills students need to successfully negotiate peer interactions, develop positive peer relationships, and thrive in school. A mutually respectful learning community is achieved through:

  1. Relationship-building lessons and activities that help students learn and practice key social-emotional competencies.
  2. Everyday practices that provide students with ongoing, supported opportunities to interact with peers and participate in dialogue and decision making about issues related to the classroom community. (Miller, C.F. & Gaertner, B., 2018).

*On Wednesdays (early release) and Minimum Days, 25-40 minutes are dedicated to SEL as well.

Building Community Through Morning & Closing Circle