Values & Approach


Excellence is an important pillar of Extera Public Schools, and our community works together in many ways to achieve it. Our students are expected to meet or exceed high academic goals established by the state of California, while teachers collaborate to help our students reach their potential. Parents actively participate in their children’s learning by supporting activities at the school. Extera provides a personalized, small school environment that promotes learning by doing, incorporating real-life lessons in nature to help students understand the interconnectedness of our world. Through relationships with local organizations and businesses, our students are able to understand the importance of community.



Extera students engage in “hands-on” learning that encourages problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. Our teachers work together to develop thematic units of study and projects that provide a framework for our relevant and technology-rich curriculum. Students at Extera receive more instruction than students in traditional public schools, with an extended school day and three additional weeks of school each year. Our students have the opportunity to participate in arts and sports activities during our after school enrichment program, where they also receive academic support through tutoring and homework assistance.


We also understand that kids can’t learn on an empty stomach. That’s why Extera ensures that no student goes hungry, providing a healthy and nutritious breakfast and lunch, regardless of income level. A focus on good nutrition means that meals are healthy and tasty.


We also understand that some of the most important lessons our students learn happen outside of the classroom and in the real world. That is why our students take numerous field trips to museums, national parks, working farms, and other destinations as part of their learning experience each year. These trips allow students to understand practical applications of the lessons they are learning in their classroom and are a vital part of our yearly curriculum.


Family participation plays a critical role in a child’s education and development. At Extera, families are encouraged to be actively involved at school, whether helping in a classroom, chaperoning a field trip, or participating in a parent workshop. Our families are an important and valued members of our school community!



Trailblazer Traits



Innovative students combine their understanding of subject matter with personal experience to invent novel questions and ideas, as well as creative solutions.



Helpful students assist their peers, teachers, and the community without being asked. They seek to improve situations and find the most effective ways to help.



Responsible students carefully complete school assignments on time. They are honest and take responsibility for their words and actions.



Respectful students follow school rules and classroom procedures. They are respectful of other people as well as their surroundings.



Safe students make safe choices. They think before they act so that both they and their peers are safe. These students never participate in bullying or unsafe games.


Best Effort

A student who shows best effort maintains persistence even when faced with difficult tasks. These students give extra time and energy when confronted with challenges.